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Tonight, I’ve been re-reading the QC archives (a webcomic that is 20+ years old that I’ve been following since probably 2006 or so, which feels weird to think about. (Like out of all the changes and phases I’ve gone through, reading a handful of webcomics is my longest-running near-daily habit.)), and it’s been hitting me… Continue reading [optimized content title]

I hate wordpress

But I’m writing in it anyway. And if that’s not the ultimate metaphor for existing under capitalism, I quite frankly don’t know what is.

Seven Days Later

Okay, folks, so I live in Seattle now. Mostly. I’ll have an apartment starting on Friday, but I won’t spend a night in it until Sunday following a weekend-extraction mission for my stuff down in the Rose City. That aside, I somehow managed to find a reasonably (for the area) priced 1-bedroom literally across the… Continue reading Seven Days Later

8/11, T-8

I never seem to get these up until after midnight, which makes the date-based naming scheme a little awkward, but I think we can all live with it for the next week or so. Packing has begun in earnest. My apartment is currently a disaster with boxes strewn about like I’m some sort of cardboard… Continue reading 8/11, T-8

8/8, T-11

Okay, this is happening. It’s a little absurd to see it there in the title of the post, that in less than 11 days I’ll be in a new city, starting a new job. Everything is happening very fast.

In which this becomes a travel blog

The sunset over Northern Canadian skies

Like all great vacations, it started with a cold.  I woke up the day before leaving and knew I had caught something, but luckily seemed to have avoided it being something serious. Just keep in mind that throughout the timeline of this post my throat is as raw as your favourite diss track mixtape. Most… Continue reading In which this becomes a travel blog

Pomodoro Productivity

A week and a half ago I read series of blog posts by Mac Deutsch in his Month2Master  series about how he mastered the New York Times Saturday crossword in just 23 days. I solve (or try to solve) the NYT crossword every day, and while I’ve seen some really marked improvement in my solving… Continue reading Pomodoro Productivity

A Portland Treasure Hunt

I recently wrote a treasure hunt/bar crawl for a friend’s birthday, and I thought it’d be fun to share the full text of the clues. He was handed the first note after dinner; long dashes indicate a change of location, a short dash indicates he completed that location’s challenge. See if you can figure out… Continue reading A Portland Treasure Hunt