Sugar Pill

If you’ve heard me talk about music in the last couple weeks or so, you’ve probably heard me rave about bizarre British singer-songwriter Amber Bain, AKA The Japanese House. As with any new musical discovery, I had early favourites (Still, Swim Against The Tide, 3/3 (when it released)), and predictably pointed most of my attention at… Continue reading Sugar Pill

What’s Next? or, “Change in the House of Leaves”

Just in case you didn’t get the joke in the title. My Netflixing over the past few months has been a watch-through of Aaron Sorkin’s classic political drama, The West Wing. Those familiar with the show will know one of President Jed Bartlet’s catch-phrases is ‘What’s Next?’ It’s established early on that when he says… Continue reading What’s Next? or, “Change in the House of Leaves”